Years in care: 3

Yael was put into the Las Vegas foster care system two separate times due to her parent's addiction. She experienced 2 foster homes and 3 kinship placements. Her first experience in care was a month before her first year of High school. Less than a year of reunification Yael left home due to unfortunate events at age 16. When she returned home, she and her two siblings were taken by Child Protective Services. Yael's second kinship placement with a family friend was a success, allowing her to grow and actually be a teen. The family friend was a major support system for Yael through this whole process. Still living in this home, she graduated high school in the spring of 2017. She got her first job working for Clark County as a front desk clerk for over 1 year. Yael is also a part of a foster advocacy group called FAAYT (Foster And Adoptive Youth Together) in which she is the historian of. In the spring of 2018, Yael will be attending the College of Southern Nevada with the goal of becoming a social worker or someone who works with at risk youth. In addition, she would like to be a foster parent specifically for siblings of different age groups.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2017 All-Stars